It's not only the 360 that can get previously exclusive titles from other consoles

Apr 26, 2007 07:50 GMT  ·  By

It's not that uncommon for good titles to go multiplatform, when developers see they've reached a certain level of demand. It's the story of PS3 and Devil May Cry 4 and Ace Combat. They moved on the Xbox 360 recently. However, the same thing can happen the other way round, thus previously 360 exclusive titles "Kane & Lynch" and "Crossfire," have made it to the PS3

SCi Entertainment states: "The Board believes that a release of these products simultaneously on all three platforms (PS3, Xbox 360 and PC) including the two next generation platforms will benefit the long term revenue potential for these two strong franchises rather than releasing different versions at different times," as Oposable Thumbs posted.

Here's what the two games are all about:

IO Interactive's Kane & Lynch is said to be a strange and mysterious action game that focuses on the relationship between two men (the relationship between two men huh...?). They are on opposite sides of a deal gone wrong. The violent title's story throws the flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath - and their brutal attitude towards right and wrong, into this volatile partnership combined with innovative technologies.

In Crossfire on the other hand, you become the member of an elite team of two deniable agents hired by the government to finish a job, disappearing before they are ever identified. The game is a two-player co-op FPS. Nothing else is available on the game yet.

Can't say that things are looking an awful lot better now that the two titles are moving onto the PS3, but it's better than nothing for a console in great need of titles.