A predictable move of the game's developer

Nov 13, 2007 15:21 GMT  ·  By

We've heard this one a million times before: some major PC and Xbox 360 title mysteriously goes the PS3 way. Hail to the non-believers as they never get fooled by such seemingly fake pieces of information. However, you might remember that nobody thought that we'll ever see a PC version of Gears of War and that's exactly what we're playing right now. Anyhow, an inside source from BioShock's developer let loose the rumor that we'll be seeing the PS3 version of the title surfacing in Spring 2008.

The decision was made with such delay because of a timed exclusivity, which tied BioShock to the PC and Xbox 360. "Exclusivity" is too much of a word these days, since every major game developer wants to make profit by porting its title on as many gaming devices as it can. After some minor Maths calculus we can realize that Microsoft's exclusivity deal with 2K Boston (Irrational) lasts for about 6 months, enough time for BioShock to boost the sales of the 360.

Please keep in mind that this is a rumor for now, but I won't be surprised to see myself playing BioShock on Sony's next-gen device in March, without even remembering the entire exclusivity issue. Hopefully, the DualShock 3 will come into play delivering some cool rumble action and maybe there's even a little treat inside for us late buyers. Major ports usually feature such goodies, in order to appeal to fans of the original game, as you might already know if you've played the PC versions of Gears of War and Lost Planet: Extreme Condition.

Just throw in a couple of Plasmid packs, some new levels and we're going to enjoy BioShock to the fullest, specially if the PS3 somehow manages to make the game look better than it did in its previous versions.