Its mobile spay/neuter clinics must be given credit for this achievement

Jan 8, 2014 18:46 GMT  ·  By

In a blogpost, green group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) says that, in the year 2013 alone, the organization helped save a whopping 1.5 billion cats and dogs.

It did so by sending spay/neuter clinics in rural areas in Virginia and North Carolina, and making it so that cats and dogs in these regions could no longer give birth to a new generation.

In 2013, PETA spayed 2,621 female dogs and 3,624 female cats. It also neutered 2,103 male dogs and 2,881 male cats. All in all, 11,229 animals had a very close encounter with one of the organization's teams.

“In just six years, one unspayed female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies. By spaying 2,621 female dogs, MCD prevented 175,607,000 dogs from being born into a world that doesn’t have enough even marginally decent homes to go around,” PETA writes on its website.

“One unspayed female cat and her offspring can produce 370,000 kittens in just seven years. So by altering 3,624 cats this year, MCD prevented a possible 1,340,880,000 cats from either needing to be euthanized in shelters for lack of homes or suffering on the streets,” it adds.

The sterilization and the other veterinary services that PETA offered to cats and dogs in Virginia and North Carolina in 2013 were either no- or low-cost.