The organization wants others to join its cause, save innocent frogs from being murdered

Jun 13, 2013 19:11 GMT  ·  By

PETA is now desperate to convince people that they must do everything in their power to have a so-called frog torture event in Tennessee canceled.

The “frog torture event” is a fundraising campaign for DeKalb County High School in Smithville. It's scheduled to take place this coming July 12.

Those taking part in the competition are supposed to track down 15 frogs, kill them using a spear, bring them back and show them to the judges. The winner is the person whose bag of dead frogs weighs the most.

Such competitions might strike some people as entertaining, yet PETA believes it all boils down to animal cruelty.

“Gigging is typically done at night and involves ‘catching’ frogs by impaling them with a multipronged spear.”

“Headlamps are first shone into the animals' eyes, stunning or dazing them, which makes it impossible for them to see the hunter or the gig. Obviously, for any animal, impalement often results in a slow and painful death,” the organization explains.

Those wishing to help save these frogs' lives are asked to send personalized messages to the school's administrators. Names and addresses are available on PETA's website.