October orders from brand vendors remain as high as in September

Oct 18, 2013 11:56 GMT  ·  By

With the advent of Windows 8.1, hope has been rekindled for PC brand vendors out there.

Companies like Acer, Asus, Lenovo and HP have quickly provided the market with a new infusion of Windows 8.1 notebooks, hoping customers will come barging in retail locations wanting to pick one up.

However, sources from the supply chain talking to DigiTimes have commented that this scenario is highly unlikely. They believe the trend is here to stay, the PC market is going down in 2014 as well and Windows 8.1 won’t be able to fill the void.

The sources explain that Microsoft has been always slow to counter customer demands and has let the best opportunities to promote Windows 8 slip through its fingers. Couple this with the global PC decline trend, and you are left with not much hope of Windows 8.1 making things right.