Feb 1, 2011 09:13 GMT  ·  By

In a world where most first-person shooters are talking about the extra functionality they aim to deliver on home gaming consoles, where they are expecting the bulk of their sales to come from, developers Kaos and publisher THQ have announced a set of features linked to the upcoming Homefront that are exclusive to the PC.

One of the main additions is that of a first-person view for all vehicles that can be controlled in the game, coming alongside the third person one delivered on all platforms, created to deliver a sense of immersion for gamers.

Helicopters, one of the most difficult to control vehicles, are also getting more options, with three settings, the self-explaining Ace, Veteran and Rookie, allowing players to choose how involved they want to be with their operation.

Those who get Homefront on the PC are also getting a Practice Mode designed to allow them to familiarize themselves with the controls before live matches.

There are also more options for those who ride shotgun in vehicles, like a special Recon ability.

The developers also revealed that Homefront would be using Steamworks and Valve Anti-Cheat in order to make sure that all gamers play by the rules when it comes to multiplayer.

The PC version supports Squad Management over VOIP and there's also support for clans.

Homefront is based on the idea that in the near future a nuclear-armed North Korea develops the means to invade the United States as the country suffers from a new economic crisis, with the single player asking gamers to fight against the invaders.

THQ hopes that the multiplayer side of the game will challenge the popularity of the same mode from Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Homefront is coming on March 8 in North America and will be playable on the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, the PlayStation 3 from Sony and, of course, the PC.