News, government and university websites were affected

Mar 19, 2012 09:34 GMT  ·  By

The hacker known as XtReMiSt, part of the Muslim Liberation Army, breached a server that hosted more than 2,300 Indian websites, defacing them all to display his protest message.

A mirror of the defaced sites, provided by Voice of Grey Hat, reveals that the message posted by the hacker demands, as on previous occasions, the freedom of the Kashmir region.

“[The sites were] Hacked To Raise The Awareness About Illegal Occupation Of India in Kashmir... We Will Never Surrender... Think As A Human... Killing Of Innocent Humans Because They Want Freedom is it a Justice? You Yourself A Best Judge,” XtReMiSt wrote on Pastebin.

The list of affected sites includes ones that belong to news outlets, government institutions, universities and multinational groups.

At press time most of the sites were offline, most likely with the webhosting company addressing the vulnerabilities and working on restoring the damaged pages.