Share your video playlist

Feb 2, 2007 07:33 GMT  ·  By

orkut is a service owned by Google that represents a huge social service, enabling you to communicate with other members of the community using the official website of the solution. It is quite popular among Google fans because it provides multiple ways to interact with other users, friends or family. Currently, orkut owns more than 37 million total members and almost 1.3 million daily visitors so it's obvious that the search giant wants to make it more powerful.

Recently, the company announced that orkut now provides mobile features, allowing you to communicate with other contacts saved in your profile using messages sent from your handheld devices. This function is quite useful because Google is aiming to be more present on the online mobile market by releasing multiple solutions based on handheld gadgets.

Today, Anisha Malhotra, Software Engineer for Google, posted a message on the official blog of the company to announce a new feature added to the orkut solution. It looks like the company wants to include video features in all its products, because last week, Google included this ability in Reader and now in orkut, as the search giant said.

"From now on, when you see that crazy video you feel is a must see for all your friends, now you can create your own video playlist on orkut to share with anyone who visits your profile. Just copy the video URL from your favorite YouTube or Google Video hosted videos, and your friends can enjoy watching your top videos through orkut. And because we know your friends will love your videos as much as you do, we've added an "Add to my favorites" button that lets you easily make your friend's favorite videos appear on your list. So next time you log into orkut, sit back, relax, and break out the popcorn," the Google employee sustained in a blog post.