No Ninjas or Chinese Gold Farmers allowed!

Nov 18, 2006 11:10 GMT  ·  By

Started out as a joke, a way to make fun of SecondLife in-game press conferences, the press conference on WoW servers has become reality. But - as Ross Mayfield from Socialtext writes on his blog - this will not be a regular press conference, but it will have a set of wacky rules.

First of all, no ninjas are allowed! As a further "restriction", only journalists in PvP mode will be able to ask questions. And also no Chinese Gold farmers are allowed to outsource their participation because they will be discovered and dealt with.

Horde character will benefit from "safe passage" but they are warned that their question may be "lost in translation". The wackiest rule of all is that no dancing is allowed unless you are an orc, but other emotes are encouraged. Also, you will have to duel for information if the spokesperson is not forthcoming, and finally all that survive the experience will gain 1 gold piece and a Socialtext tabard.

This press conference will take place on December 1, 5pm server time, in Goldshire, Elwynn Forrest, Eitrigg Server. Be there!

This World of Warcraft wacky press conference looks like it will be quite a blast, but after reading the rules all I can say and do is "ROLF"!