In version 8.02

Jul 7, 2005 13:11 GMT  ·  By

Opera Software has launched a test version for its latest browser release, whose main innovation is an embedded download client for the BitTorrent networks. Although Opera hasn't yet officially announced the beta version, called a "technology preview", this release is available on the company's FTP servers.

Through this move, Opera becomes the first browser which offers embedded support for the BitTorrent downloads, which would normally require the installation of a separate application. And aside from this BitTorrent download feature, Opera's version 8.02 will also include a large number of patches for the bugs which have been spotted so far, amongst which an update for the websites that include Flash modules.

The company has stated that by integrating the file-sharing application, so popular these days, it will ensure better quality downloads as well as a higher level of monitoring. The user will take advantage of the whole available Internet bandwidth and the risk of delays in the case in which there are more users downloading the same file will diminish.

A spokesperson for the company has announced that the decision to include a BitTorrent client in the browser has been taken after the Opera servers have been blocked in April, when the company issued an update that proved to be very popular, being downloaded by millions of users.