Dec 16, 2010 12:59 GMT  ·  By

“The Web is changing. So is your web browser. Meet Opera 11,” Opera Software says on its home page, encouraging everyone to download and try out the latest version of its feature-packed web browser - Opera 11 Final.

Available immediately for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux users alike, the updated web browser delivers a cool new feature called “tab stacking” which, as it name implies, allows users to stack tabs into groups, eliminating the clutter for those who have dozens of tabs open all the time.

“Opera 11 combines elegant design, smart updates to some of our most popular features and new ways to customize Opera to your preferences,” Opera Software said today.

“Tab stacking is a better way to organize your open tabs. Simply drag one tab on top of another to create a stack,” the Norwegian company explains in today’s official report (A short video introducing users to the new feature is embedded at the bottom of this article).

‘Extending’ the browser’s functionality even more is the newly added support for "extensions", which “help you personalize your browser and enhance what Opera can do.”

According to Opera, more than two million extensions have already been downloaded from the company’s addons page, five of which are highlighted by the Norwegian software vendor to get users started.

The list of new additions in Opera 11 continues with visual mouse gestures, which “let you navigate back and forwards, open new pages, close tabs” and more, all by using mouse flicks.

Finally, Opera 11 ships with a “safer address field” which displays a clear badge indicating the security level, while information about the web site in question is just a click away, according to Opera Software.

Download Opera 11 for Mac OS X (Free)