For download

Apr 16, 2010 13:46 GMT  ·  By

It appears that, with every new development snapshot of its next minor update for Opera 10.50, Opera Software is focusing mainly on resolving bugs. This is the case with the latest release, which comes to the table with a variety of fixes spanning all aspects of the browser. Build 3363 is yet another step forward on the way to a fully fledged Opera 10.52, which, although it has been contouring for quite some time, seems to still be a long way from release.

Until the time of this article, the Norwegian browser maker had not set a specific delivery deadline for Opera 10.52, although the release is certainly in the works, with the company being little shy about producing a consistent flow of testing milestones. “This build contains more NSL (Never Stops Loading) fixes, in addition to stability fixes and general bug fixing. We also have a partial IAccessible2 implementation on Windows,” a member of the Opera Desktop team revealed.

As far as the Windows flavor of the browser is concerned, Opera 10.52 Build 3363 contains fixes for multiple accessibility crashes. In addition, there are a variety of reliability and stability problems that have been dealt with in the latest release. Early adopters testing the pre-release versions of Opera 10.52 will notice that the browser no longer crashes when exiting webpages with Silverlight content, and that internal icons no longer become corrupted in the Windows 7 taskbar thumbnail preview. However, there are additional fixes detailed in the changelog.

“Please ensure that your comments are on-topic and relevant, descriptive, and yet somewhat brief. Avoid repeating things. For longer comments, use the forums instead, and avoid posting images inline (use links instead). Too many off-topic comments will just prevent us from being able to read through everything, and that prevents other people's feedback from being heard. There are only so many hours in a day,” the Opera Desktop team member added.

The latest development snapshot of Opera 10.52 is available for download here.