The latest OpenMorrowind is available right now on Softpedia

Sep 17, 2014 13:23 GMT  ·  By

OpenMW is an open source implementation of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind game engine and functionality that is still under development. A new update has been released for it and features lots of improvements.

The OpenMorrowind project has advanced really fast, and the devs have been making great progress with it. The interesting thing about this game is that it's being built from the ground up, and that means that it's far from completed. This procedure also provides a much better control of the developers over the engine.

The OpenMW front has been rather quiet for a couple of months now, and the latest major update was made back in July. It looks like the devs have been busy and made a series of changes that are quite surprising.

OpenMW 0.32.0 is out, what's new?

"The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.32.0! This is one of the more magical OpenMW releases, bringing completed implementation of all magic effects as well as NPC AI for casting spells, using potions, etc. in combat. The implementation of mouth movement, eye blinking, and several other NPC AI features breathe more life into NPCs in this release as well. Over 100 issues have been fixed in this release, as we steamroll towards 1.0!"

"The tiresome affairs of real life have prevented our beloved WeirdSexy from creating a video for this release. We wish him the best in everything, and have our fingers crossed that he will work his magic for a 1.0 release video when the time comes!," note the devs on GitHub.

A complete list of changes and new features can be found in the official announcement. Users must legally own and install the game before they can use OpenMW – as it is intended – to play Morrowind. You can download OpenMW 0.32.0 right now from Softpedia.

OpenMW, or OpenMorrowind, is a project that aims to bring one of best role-playing games ever created into the open source world, but not by simple porting. The makers of this title have been working non-stop in the last months and it seems that the game is really starting to take shape.

OpenMW aims to be a full-featured reimplementation of the Morrowind engine capable to work natively on all supported platforms and to support all existing content, including Tribunal, Bloodmoon, and all user-created mods.

Keep in mind that this is not a stable version and bugs might still appear.