Yahoo removed almost 4.5 million e-mails

Apr 11, 2007 13:06 GMT  ·  By

All the Internet users own an email address. No matter if it's Gmail, Yahoo Mail or, the stored messages are very important and some of them are containing confidential information that must be saved and never deleted. Although the users are trying to save their information, it seems like Yahoo has a different opinion and it deleted almost 4.5 million e-mail messages from their clients' accounts. By mistake, of course. Yahoo Japan confirmed the problem and sustained that 4.492.200 messages of 275.000 users were removed or were just unavailable according to United Press International.

It seems like it all started from an incorrect label assigned to the email that marked them as spam messages and redirected the emails to the bulk folder of every account. The messages were flagged as spam between December 26 and February 26, the giant portal confirming that is was just an error that led to the unavailability of the emails.

"The affected messages had been incorrectly labeled as spam messages by the Internet company, but were sent to requested in-boxes on the Yahoo network. The news agency said after staying inside those in-boxes between 36 to 37 days, the e-mails then became inaccessible to users due to the glitch in programming," the same publication reported.

In the past, the mail solution encountered similar problems but the most affected company was surely Google and its Gmail that was more affected by an error. For example, numerous users reported their entire content stored in the Gmail's inbox was deleted as well as their contacts and saved emails without any chance to recover the information. Although the company confirmed the problems, there wasn't too much to do to recover the removed data.