Search and buy games and applications

Sep 13, 2007 13:18 GMT  ·  By

Motorola announced yesterday the launching of Motorola Solutions Catalog, currently in beta version, an on-line collection of third-party mobile software created to bring users the latest applications, games and tools for their Motorola devices. It's the company's first-ever such solutions catalog and offers developers registered with MOTODEV (the Motorola developer network) a great opportunity to commercialize their software.

"Applications are key to differentiating and enhancing the overall product experience. By using our new Motorola Solutions Catalog, developers can easily and quickly bring their innovative applications directly to end users so they can do even more with their Motorola products", says Christy Wyatt, vice president, software platforms and ecosystem, Motorola.

For the beginning, Motorola Solutions Catalog offers a diverse range of software for Motorola phones, like Gameloft's well-known Guitar Legend game, AMPower mobile business applications from Antenna Software or MotionApps' mVisualVoiceMail. Users of Motorola devices can easily discover the latest applications and sort them by carriers or supported devices.

"Motorola's Solutions Catalog is a promising channel for getting our enterprise mobility solutions in front of a wide range of potential users," said Karen Davis-Farage, vice president, business development at Antenna Software. "It's an essential tool for Motorola users to discover the latest and most innovative applications available to them - such as our leading mobile business solutions, AMPower SALES and AMPower SERVICE."

Gonzague de Vallois, vice president of publishing at Gameloft, said: "By featuring our applications on the new Motorola Solutions Catalog, we're effectively creating additional visibility for our solutions. Leveraging this new channel to market will enable us to build a broader base of users and drive further awareness around hot new Gameloft mobile games like Guitar Legend."

MOTODEV developers will find on the Motorola Solutions Catalog website an easy to use interface for marketing their products, upload screenshots, add descriptions, compatibility information and links to buy.

For all those interested, the Motorola Solutions Catalog can be accessed by clicking here. Have fun!