The Kalista CD Transport from Metronome Technologie

Oct 26, 2006 07:37 GMT  ·  By

Although I'm not really a tech perv (as some of the readers might think), sometimes, just sometimes, I come across a certain device that really makes my senses tingle. And that's exactly the kind of device I'm going to present today, namely the Kalista CD Transport from the French company Metronome Technologie, an extremely stylish and sexy looking CD Player.

And it's no wonder that this device looks as good as it does, since it was drafted, according to Ubergizmo, by French aerospace and military engineers. However, the device is not all about looks and will also make true audiophiles quite happy, since it is capable of supplying high quality sound via its various digital outputs, and handles the CDs in a very proficient manner, via its special pickup mechanism, a Philips CDM12 PRO 2 with custom modifications and new clamp. Moreover, the device features 5 power transformers and 7 power regulators, one for each critical section of the device: display, servo mechanism, micro-processor, digital output stage.

Here are some of the most important features this device has to offer:

- Dimensions: 450 x 450 x 160 cm; - Weight: 28 kg; - Standard digital outputs: - 1 S/PDIF 44.1 - 96KHz; - 1 S/PDIF 44.1KHz; - 1 AT&T ST 44.1 - 96KHz; - 1 AES/EBU 44.1 - 96KHz.

Interested? Well, so am I, but that interest fades away pretty fast, when you see the price tag. The Kalista CD Transport is available for 22.378 Euro, but, after all, all sexy things are expensive, no?

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