Will Gordon be pushing up the City 17 daisies?

Oct 11, 2006 07:22 GMT  ·  By

Valve have revealed their plans to kill off one of the main characters in the next Half-Life 2 installment.

In the next Half-Life 2 episode, players will have the chance to connect with the game protagonists as the episodic content will be delivered more frequently. Steam is already used for data collection and allows game developers to have a real-time connection with the players. Through this connection, game developers can watch players navigate through the game and observe at what point they get stuck in the game. By doing this, game developers can observe any glitch and bug in the game and fix it in their next installments.

The next installment of the Half-Life series will be released in the first quarter of 2007. A shocking announcement made by Valve reveals that one main protagonist in the next installment will be killed off. Officials did not reveal exactly who will be the character that will be killed off. Certainly, gamers will have long and tedious discussions on this matter, but they will all agree that Gordon will not be the one to go. Maybe Barney, Dr. Kleiner, Alyx or Eli will be sacrificed by the games' developer.

Valve representatives tried to motivate this move by explaining that Half-Life 2 is more than a shooting gallery, as they want the players to sympathize with the characters. They want the stories to be as interesting as possible and to create an in-game world.