And Guitar Hero-related titles are to be released as well

Apr 18, 2007 08:19 GMT  ·  By

In an interview with Eurogamer, RedOctane President Kai Huang said: "I think that fans can definitely expect that we're going to have one major release a year, and then what we're doing beyond that major release is to release update packs and content packs so there's more songs," which was pretty obvious, not really needed to be said in order to keep fans satisfied and wanting for more. Although I'm not so sure that one Guitar Hero title every year is a certainty (not of the same quality anyway).

Song possibilities will eventually run out. Classics are the only ones that work in a game like Guitar Hero, and if the next installment following GH III features Linkin Park (I'm a fan by the way)... let's just say that there will be fewer notes to hit. Also, Guitar Hero-related titles will be released, RedOctane president said. Anyway, I'm sure it's the best news for rock-band-simulation fans and music games fans all across the globe and they should also keep in mind that RedOctane still has to announce the release data for the 80s Edition of Guitar Hero.

Also, when asked about the fans' response to the downloadable song packs (being expensive and all that), RedOctane President answered: "We think that they're priced competitively, but certainly we listen to the fans and we take that feedback, and if that's something we'll need to evaluate we'll do that," said Kai Huang. Really now? So the prices could be evaluated and cut down a little, but until fans burst out in the streets setting themselves on fire, it's all right.

Enough criticizing though, they did announce one GH title per year so that's got to count for something.