Pro-volley player says she’s soft and hating it

Jul 9, 2009 18:21 GMT  ·  By
Olympian Kerri Walsh says she’s ready to get back into shape, just one month after giving birth
   Olympian Kerri Walsh says she’s ready to get back into shape, just one month after giving birth

30-year-old US pro-volley Olympian Kerri Walsh gave birth to a child the other month, but she’s already ready to get on the move to fight the flab and get back in the enviable shape she was before pregnancy. Walsh tells People magazine in a recent interview that, after finally coming to terms with the weight gain, she now faces the challenge of losing it while keeping her and the baby’s health in mind.

Speaking of her bundle of joy, a little boy named Joseph Michael Jennings, with husband Casey Jennings, AVP pro-volleyball player, Walsh admits she had some trouble accepting she was about to gain weight. Having lived most of her life training intensely to maintain her condition, which is all the more true during the season, Kerri says dealing with the extra pounds was no walk in the park because she was not accustomed to her body being like that.

Now, only a month later, she has already started to think about beginning a regular workout to slowly get back in shape. “36 lbs. is the official number. I just didn’t want to hit 40 because that would be 200 lbs. but I feel pretty silly now that I see Joey.” Walsh admits. However, some of the weight has already started to come off. “It’s crazy. A lot dropped in the first week. Now I just need to build my muscle because I’m skinny soft, which is the worst thing to be. I can’t wait to sweat and be outside and play the sport I love so much but right now I’m just proud. I have peace in my heart because of our son. I just can’t wait to show him the world.” the champion further adds.

In the same interview, Walsh also says her husband nearly missed Joey’s arrival because he had been away on a tournament. According to the star, Casey arrived home just five minutes before her water broke and they rushed to the hospital to have the baby. In more ways than one, Kerri explains, Joey is just like his father and she couldn’t be happier with the new “addition” to the family.

“Casey got home around 5 p.m. and my water broke around 5:05 and then we went straight to the hospital. My husband was a really great coach and little Joey came out at 7:14 p.m. He sings to Joey every day and night. Joey’s a spitting image of his daddy –same head, same hair-line, same bone structure.” Kerri Walsh reveals.