Incredible, but true

Apr 21, 2008 08:16 GMT  ·  By

The Nintendo Wii port of the highly appreciated action adventure game Okami, initially launched as a PlayStation 2 exclusive, was recently released and everybody was quite happy to get the chance to experience Amaterasu using the innovative Wii controllers. Even though the game itself is not affected by the news we're presenting, it is still a (really big) mistake that will probably not go unpunished and proves that sometimes the lack of professionalism can hit big companies, too.

Website Kotaku, with the help of the readers, has found out something that seems absolutely incredible and, at the same time, hilarious to tears. To be more specific, the Wii boxart of Okami still has the traces of an IGN watermark on it and both the original picture (the one that was used to create the background and had the watermark) and the zoomed version of the cover can be seen and compared here.

So... we can only wonder at the moment what reason did the cover designer have when he decided to use a watermarked picture from a website when he should've had everything he needed at Capcom. Was he really in a hurry and had no time to search for something else, did he really want to leave the watermark there, as a personal "signature", something he hoped will make him laugh since nobody would notice? Well... people did notice and this doesn't look good at all.

Of course, as we've said before, this is not something that affects the gameplay or the overall experience people should get from playing the game. But having a box where a website's watermark is visible... that's really not a great joke. It shouldn't have happened, anyway. But it did and now there is probably nothing left to be done about it. Just wondering now how will the discussion between the Capcom board and the designer will look like.