Separation between state and church compulsory, methinks

Jan 29, 2008 16:46 GMT  ·  By

If you always thought that religion is one of those areas where everybody finds inner peace in his/her own way, having a personal connection to whatever God he/she is praying to, you must not be a fan of Mike Huckabee. The Southern Baptist minister and Republican presidential candidate has just had the idea to go for the religious community for votes, just in case he hasn't already had them. Thus, he turned to GodTube.

In a preaching manner, he endorsed it and made it sound like the YouTube copy is actually God's gift on earth, the one candle lighting the way for politics, the angel of light coming down to flap its wings a couple of times around voters in order to sway them to his side. The video sharing site welcomed his words on the front page : "Well, the reason GodTube is an important part of the election process is because this myth that Christians ought to keep to themselves in the church, and never get outside - that's like saying, let's never let the salt get onto things that are spoiling. Let's never let the light actually show up in a dark place to illuminate the path. [?] So GodTube is helping to be that bridge to get people from the world of the spiritual into the mission field of politics."

This comes just a week after Huckabee suggested that Americans need to change their constitution, to align it with "God's standards." Now, I know he's very credible when he speaks (being a minister does have that effect on some), but the message, I think, is ripped right out of a book on the Middle Ages. He's basically just cut out of the loop all the people having another faith than his. And running for President?