Google employee talks about this AdSense feature

Jan 26, 2007 08:48 GMT  ·  By

AdSense is surely one of the most popular ad services but it contains a lot of features that are avoided by its users because they consider those might be too difficult to use. AdSense is more than a complex solution, it is an important advertising platform that allows its users to control every aspect of the ads placed on their websites. Many users might think that it's very easy to manage an AdSense account, but Google provides a lot of terms of service that must not be infringed by any of its registered clients. As you may know, Google doesn't allow you to place ads on pornographic or mature content websites, warez or other illegal content. Some time ago, the company announced that you should avoid placing images near the Google Ads because users might be tricked by the picture and click on the ad.

It's obvious that we need to use all the AdSense features to own a powerful solution, but some of them are too difficult to configure than we expect. That's why Google's employees decided to post a blog message to present the ad placement feature that helps you improve the appearance of your websites with AdSense.

"Think of ad placements as 'enhanced' custom channels. To create an ad placement, you create and implement a custom channel just as you normally would. The only change is the additional step of providing attributes and an accurate description for your ad placement. On the 'Channels' page in your account, click the appropriate 'edit settings' link on the right. As you can see below, there will be a box labeled 'Targeting' on the next page which, once checked, will show this channel to advertisers as an ad placement. From there, you'll just need to provide some details on where the ad unit appears on your site,' Sasank Mudunuri, AdSense Product Manager, said on the official blog.