Microsoft wants more interoperability

Oct 4, 2005 13:43 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft hopes that Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 7.0 will be the applications to promote the Metro format, which, in the company's opinion, has all the chances to become a replacement for .PDF.

According to information provided by Microsoft, the Metro format should be based on XML and users would be able to create documents with any application. Microsoft outlines that their aspect will be identical to the original and that the documents saved in XML format will include all the necessary resources, such as characters and images.

Users will be able to view the Metro documents page by page, and this operation doesn't require any special application, Internet Explorer 7.0 being scheduled to include the Metro Viewer tool.

Even so, the Metro format relies on WinFX, and in order for users to be able to access the documents with Windows XP, they will have to install the support for WinFX.

Aside from interoperability, the Metro format can also be used, in Microsoft's opinion, to reduce the size of the documents. Microsoft plans to offer the Metro format for free, which means that software developers will be able to integrate their applications without paying any licensing fees.

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