Its mom is reluctant to let it venture outside the den, the cub seems eager to defy her

Sep 17, 2013 18:41 GMT  ·  By

About nine weeks ago, on July 16, Zoo Berlin welcomed a mysterious moving and squealing furball. Upon closer investigation, it was revealed that the furball was an ocelot kitten.

Keepers say that, up until recently, the ocelot cub was anything but willing to venture outside its den and allow visitors to the zoo to see it.

However, it is now showing signs that it is ready and willing to make its public debut. Zoo Borns tells us that, judging by her behavior, the ocelot kitten's mom is not exactly thrilled about her cub's newly discovered independence. Hence her doing everything in her power to keep it inside the den, concealed from unwanted gazes.

Unfortunately for her, the kitten seems eager to defy her. Thus, it is trying to bypass maternal authority and step out into the spotlight.

Zoo employees say that, all things considered, it is only a matter of days until the public will get the chance to see it explore the outdoor enclosure.

Here's hoping the ocelot kitten's public debut will take place sooner rather than later.