Male mice born to obese fathers pack more weight despite low-fat diet

Jun 17, 2013 18:51 GMT  ·  By

Obese mice father offspring that pack more weight than is normal, a series of experiments carried out by a team of Ohio University researchers has revealed.

What's interesting is that newborn male mice appear to be more influenced by their father's weight than female mice are. Thus, they grew to be overweight despite their being fed a low-fat diet, sources say.

The Ohio University researchers say that the findings of their investigation suggest that people, and especially men, who happen to have an obese father would do best to monitor their weight and always be on alert for signs of diabetes and other weight-related diseases.

“Early detection and prediction of risk for obesity, diabetes and related diseases will enable individuals and health care workers to delay or prevent the related disabilities and increase life expectancy,” Professor Felicia Nowak argued.

The scientists presented their findings at this year's meeting of The Endocrine Society in San Francisco, California.