Help us crush the Vista Team!

Apr 11, 2007 14:13 GMT  ·  By

I believe competition is what keeps us going and pushes us farther and farther. And what would competition be without a challenge? Here at Softpedia, we face challenges every day, and perhaps this is part of what makes our team so dynamic and always on the go. Well, enough with the praises, here's the deal: there will be a duel. There will be dirty playing and people will get hurt (we hope just emotionally, but this is not a promise).

The Windows department has challenged us to a Vista Versus Leopard duel, that will be held on the pages of this very site. Though it's obvious to me that's like taking the candy from a baby, they actually think they've got a shot.

We are asking you, the readers, to help us crush the Vista-loving team in this little "internal debate", with the best arguments there can be. I mean, we all know all Mac operating systems are more reliable and better looking than anything those at Redmond can make, but our quest is to find out what made YOU, the Mac user, choose the Apple product over Windows. If you are among those who believe Mac OS is worthy of being called BETTER than Microsoft's latest operating system, please let us know why.

If you'd like our Mac team to defeat Vista fair and square, give us a helping hand and email your arguments to [email protected]. All your comments will be taken into account and the one person that makes the best point will be cited in the editorial we're cooking, so be sure to leave your name.