Seven atmospheric games try to achieve more through less

Mar 6, 2015 07:59 GMT  ·  By

The latest Humble Bundle weekly sale is determined to make us see life for what it truly is, a colorless amalgam of the old, the new and the absurd, which we embellish with the unnecessary ornament of color in order to feel like our bleak existence makes a difference in a world that couldn't care less.

Well, not exactly, but it is trying to offer us a ton of neat games that attempt to create a compelling experience through a unique artistic approach, the use of monochrome visuals, plays on shadows and perspective, and great use of negative space.

The "pay what you want tier" offers us The Bridge, a two-dimensional puzzle game that uses logic and a skewed perspective in order to challenge our preconceptions of physics and space, Closure, a platformer where you play as a demon that manipulates light in order to phase objects in and out of existence, and Dominique Pamplemousse, a stop-motion animated detective adventure game with wacky dialogues.

The games use lack of color to great effect

By paying more than the average, $4.23 / €3.84 at the time of writing, you can also nab NaissanceE, a first-person exploration game filled with puzzles and having a unique ambiance, Betrayer, a first person action-adventure video game where you find yourself investigating the mysterious circumstances that surround the disappearance of a 17th century New World colony, and Oquonie, a strange puzzle game where you have to find your way through non-Euclidean megastructures.

Those who feel like making it rain can pay $10 / €9 or more in order to also unlock Neverending Nightmares, a psychological horror game inspired by a man's genuine struggle with mental illness, where you have to uncover which of the horrors you encounter are the manifestation of your own mind, and try to find your way back to reality.

As usual, part of the proceeds from sales will go toward charity, with this week's supported outlets being Direct Relief and Special Effect.