Try one for your dog! Yes, really, such a thing exists

Feb 7, 2005 12:06 GMT  ·  By

A few days ago we reported what we thought was the stupidest use for a cell phone that was meant to connect you with the dead. That was all about placing the phone came in a black box with a loudspeaker that is placed on top of the grave, it runs on a battery that lasts at least twelve months.

Well, today we have a phone that links you to the living... thank God, but we're not sure if this is going to be less of a one-sided conversation either. The phone is somewhat of a sophisticated collar for your dog, so that you can keep in touch while it chases the mailman.

A company called PetsMobility has invented the PetsCell, a bone-shaped cellular device with a speaker and mic that clips onto the dog's collar. Owners can dial the number and the bone actually automatically picks up, letting the owner speak to their pet. Good boy!

We couldn't get an answer from a Pavlov wannabe and find what the dog's reaction will be when put on the phone, if it will start crying for its master and start looking everywhere to find him or her. We're not sure if the master will understand that the four-legged beast is trying to "communicate" its needs about food, water, taking a leak or just fool around.

Anyway, if some people will enjoy having their dog have a nervous breakdown it's all thanks to PetsMobility and brilliant ideas like the bone-phone.