The phone will come with Verizon's V CAST service.

Sep 25, 2006 06:53 GMT  ·  By

The Nokia 6315i, a Pantech rebranded Nokia cellphone, has been launched on the Verizon Wireless carrier, the New Jersey company which owns the second largest wireless telecommunications network in the USA.

The handset will be V CAST enabled, a fact that will permit Verizon's customers to watch multimedia content on their mobile phone, through the EV-DO network, at speeds of 400-700 kilobits per second with bursts of up to 2 megabits per second.

Besides the EV-DO support, the 6315i dual-band CDMA clamshell will have a 1.3 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, Mobile Web 2.0, Mobile Instant Messaging and two displays, the internal one having 262k colors.

The device is available to the Verizon customers for 80 $, if they sign a two-year service agreement, and for 130 $ in case they sign the deal for only one year.