Subways and trains from all over the world were invaded by pant-less commuters

Jan 13, 2014 09:32 GMT  ·  By

Public transportation in most major cities of the world was taken over by pant-less commuters celebrating “No Pants Subway Ride Day.” Crammed trains and subways saw thousands of bare-legged citizens participating in the international event.

Despite the freezing temperatures in most parts of the world, the briefs-flashing commuters endured below-zero temperatures and joined the annual celebration. The stripped down event had people of all ages joining, from over-excited teens to 71-year-old participants.

The event that initially started as a prank was first organized 13 years ago in New York and was a way of celebrating people's curiosity and satisfy their appetite for laughter. This year's edition was marked in more than 60 cities around the world, reaching a record-breaking number of pant-less participants.

The main idea is that random commuters board trains or subways with no pants, in the middle of winter. The upper part of the body is normally clothed with winter attire, jackets, scarves, hats, gloves and all, but the pants – or skirts – must disappear. The second condition is that participants must keep a straight face as if they are not acknowledging the bare-legged fellow standing right next to them.

What started as an attempt to amuse embarrassed commuters has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon. From major cities in America all the way through European capitals, Beijing or Sydney, pant-less people traveled to their destinations flashing their undergarments and amusing others.

Besides the hilarious designs of the underwear commuters chose to show off, they were encouraged to pair them with uniforms or business suits to have an even bigger effect. When asked about the pant-less look, one must respond that they just forgot to take their trousers on and go on with their train-like activities, notes Daily Mail.

The “celebration of silliness” is growing stronger each year, with almost 4,000 participants just in New York City’s event. Even if a few years ago some commuters taking part in the event were arrested, it was declared legal to wear just underwear on the subway; if participants are not running around naked, there is absolutely no problem.