Miscommunication is to blame

Jun 29, 2009 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Apparently, BioWare is getting into the vaporware business, as the downloadable content that was supposed to be announced for the first Mass Effect is no longer coming.

The company's Twitter feed, which delivered the news of fresh content coming for the game that was first released in 2007, surprised some but fans eagerly waited to see what the development studio would have to say. Now, the same Twitter feed has issued an apology saying that “Due to circumstances beyond my control (me being stupid on timing), any news of more ME1 DLC will have to wait. Sorry folks.”

It seems that the guys at BioWare are really not talking with each other when it comes to public announcements. The unresolved question is whether, at some point before the release of Mass Effect 2, players who have the first game in the series will actually get their hands on some new content. On the one hand, the apology above refers to the content as being real, with only the timing of the announcement being a bit off. On the other hand, it's rather unorthodox for a game that is almost two years old to get a piece of DLC.

In the run up to Mass Effect 2, fans of the setting can get their fix on the iPhone from Apple, by playing Mass Effect Galaxy. The game is important because it allows players who finish it to get an unlock for Mass Effect 2 by tying their mobile game into their EA.com account. And Galaxy is also getting a patch at some point during this week, which will make it run smoother even on the older version of the iPhone.

Mass Effect 2 has been described by various sources inside BioWare as being the dark second act of the trilogy, with a real chance existing that Commander Shepard, the main character, might be dead at the end of the game.