The company removed tips from the search results page

Jan 5, 2007 07:40 GMT  ·  By

Google owns a huge number of services including multiple advertising platforms so it's obvious that the company can place ads for their solutions with ease and at no-cost. Even if the search giant created AdWords and AdSense, Google also created a tip on the result page that is displayed only when some keywords are entered. For example, if you search Google for "blog", the company will return a tip that advises you to use Blogger, a blog service that is also a Google service.

After its release, many users started to criticize Google saying that the company is using an unfair method to advertise its products. It seems like the search giant listened to these complaints and decided to remove the tips shown on the result page, tips that were displayed for multiple keywords including blog, calendar, photo sharing and many others.

Philipp Lenssen from Google Blogoscoped, one of the bloggers that discovered the tip provided by Google, posted a message on his blog to announce that the company decided to remove the tip after users' reaction. "Google has listened to criticism voiced in blogs and elsewhere and apparently removed the recent "tips" feature from their results. These oneboxes were promoting Google services for a wide array of (often unrelated) searches, like blog, blogger, blogs, wordpress blog, calendar, yahoo calendar, flickr photo sharing etc., which was starting to harm the neutrality of Google results. Almost needless to say, but competitor Yahoo continues to show tips like these - and continues to do much more sneaky stuff, too. But that's where user choice comes into play," he said.

Personally, I find the tip that advertises GOOGLE products on GOOGLE's website a logical decision because every company that develops powerful solutions can use it without any limitation.