Experiencing every possible human sensation in just reading a games article

Mar 29, 2007 07:20 GMT  ·  By

This morning started quite nice: I drank my coffee in peace, made a few jokes with my colleagues, got a couple of DVDs to be set for the evening and turned on my computer. Just when I was thinking: "I'm having one of those good days, when nothing seems to bother me and everything goes according to plan," I clicked on this article posted on Joystiq that said that there was a page missing from Rockstar's support web site and that page was none other than GTA IV PS3 support page.

My whole world crumbled down on me, I felt that the universe was getting smaller and smaller crushing my chest with its massive gravitational force, differently colored lights started flashing before my eyes and I think I saw what looked like a PS3 going down a toilet, but I'm not sure about that last part though.

Anyway, half way through the article, as a GTA and PlayStation fan, your eyes start filling with tears as the editor does a pretty good job at letting readers know what this could mean. It's all very true that there were rumors about Microsoft wanting to buy in on Take Two and Sony's already lost GTA exclusivity, so what other console would game shift to than Microsoft's Xbox 360 Elite, launching in just a month from now, or even less?

But then readers see the last paragraph saying that the support page is indeed there. WTF!!!??? Some probably didn't even bother to understand the sarcasm and just clicked on the link a second later, to make sure that it was just a rumor and just so you understand the situation clearly, it was just a rumor. The page is there, no official word yet on Microsoft buying Take Two, or getting full exclusivity on Rockstar's controversial third-person-shooter/sandbox. OK, then, go outside, take a deep breath and relax. Nothing serious is going on with GTA IV at the moment, except that there are only 15 hours to go till the trailer launches.