Aug 2, 2011 06:38 GMT  ·  By

We already know that players will need to always be online in order to be able to play the upcoming Diablo III and that the game will now offer an auction house system that allows for the use of real world money and now Blizzard has dropped another big piece of news about its next big project by saying that the title will not include any support for mods.

The official Frequently Asked Questions document for the game says, “For a variety of gameplay and security reasons, we will not be supporting bots or mods in Diablo III, and they’ll be expressly prohibited by our terms of use for the game.”

Presumably the main concern that Blizzard has is to restrict any access to the game in order to prevent any kind of fraud attempt linked to the new real-world money item trading system.

It will be interesting to see if the official position from Blizzard will be enough to deter those passionate fans that really want to make the game experience better suited to their own tastes.

This probably means that anyone who attempts to mod any aspect of the game might get a ban from Blizzard, effectively curtailing his right to use the auction house or the multiplayer or even locking him out of

Despite the “no mods” policy for Diablo III Blizzard is still interested in them for Starcraft II, its real time strategy game.

Rob Pardo, who is an executive producer working at the developer, has stated about the Mod Marketplace, “It is something we still would like to do. Hopefully before too much longer we can re-announce that. But yeah, it’s still something we’re passionate about, it’s just one of those things that I think we thought was going to be easier to do than it was.”

It's not clear when the Mod Marketplace might be launched.