Jun 13, 2011 09:17 GMT  ·  By
Victoria Beckham says she’ll only take some time off after she gives birth, but not before
   Victoria Beckham says she’ll only take some time off after she gives birth, but not before

Victoria Beckham is due to give birth next month to her fourth child, a baby girl, but she has no intention of slowing down or taking time off because of that. In a new interview, the star says she doesn’t know the meaning of “maternity leave.”

Speaking with the British magazine Glamour, the singer turned socialite turned successful fashion designer, reveals she has no plans of going on a maternity leave – at least, not until the baby is born.

Victoria does plan to take some time off, but it won’t be before she gives birth but after. There is simply too much work to do and she has no reason (medical or otherwise) to go on leave right now.

“Maternity leave – what’s that? I’ve been working incredibly hard so I’m prepared for next season,” Posh says of her fashion empire which, right now, commands a lot of her attention.

“Being a working mum is hard – I think women can relate to me when I say it’s like juggling glass balls,” the star adds.

Nevertheless, keeping busy with her fashion line, which includes clothing and accessories, doesn’t mean she is putting her family second. On the contrary, she stresses.

“My husband and children will always be my priority. But for me, what I do professionally doesn’t feel like a job – it’s my passion,” she says.

“It’s been a really exciting time for me. It’s my passion to make women look and feel beautiful and the highest compliment I can receive is when women enjoy what I’m doing,” Victoria adds of her fashion line.

Earlier reports in the glossies had it that Victoria and David Beckham were thinking of scheduling a C-section surgery to have the baby delivered on July 4 in the US, which would obviously coincide with Independence Day.

A rep later rubbished such reports, but confirmed that, indeed, Victoria would be giving birth in early July, as we also noted at the time.