Aug 30, 2010 09:55 GMT  ·  By

Treyarch, the developers of the Call of Duty: Black Ops first person shooter, are not interested in revisiting the World War II setting, which they last used in World at War and which the series has thoroughly exploited during its long history at publisher Activision.

Josh Olin, who is the community manager working for developer Treyarch, has told Spong during the Gamescom event, “I don’t think we would go back, because we’ve done a lot of World War II. I’m not saying that the genre’s done. It would be important that, if there ever were to be another game set in the World War II era, it would have to be something that’s fresh and new. You still have to by that code and do something players haven’t seen before.”

He added, “World at War was one example of that. We brought the players for the first time to the South Pacific to fight the imperial Japanese army. It was a different game to the other World War II shooters in the franchise. So, as long as there’s new experiences people will still play them.”

Call of Duty: Black Ops will take place during the Cold War period, when the United States and the Soviet Union became the two superpowers which developed spheres of influence and faced off using non conventional means.

The Cold War offers more material than World War Ii for video games and the covert nature of most of the military action of the era means that video game developers have a lot of room to innovate and create interesting scenarios.

The new Call of Duty: Black Ops is set to arrive on the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, the PlayStation 3 from Sony and the Nintendo Wii on November 9, with a Nintendo DS version of the game also in development.

Little is known about the future of the Call of Duty franchise beyond this years launch.