Still waiting for an official Apple statement...

Mar 22, 2006 14:28 GMT  ·  By

The guessing game is on yet again. With the April 1st Apple anniversary getting closer and closer, the reports and rumors have started to pick up speed.

While so far it has been reported that the Apple event will not take place on the 1st of April, because it falls on a Saturday, but just before or after the weekend, a recent report states that Apple will not be holding any event at all.

Benjamin A. Reitzes, UBS analyst, said in a client note Tuesday that according to unnamed industry sources the company will not be holding a special event around April 1 to mark its anniversary. Despite the lack of an event, the analyst still expects new products form Apple soon. "We continue to believe that Apple will introduce new Intel-based iBooks (important for education) and a larger MacBook Pro in the June quarter," the Benjamin A. Reitzes wrote.

Whether or not Apple will hold an event remains so far unknown to all but Apple, but this might be Apple's response to the reaction of the media after the last event, where everyone was expecting Apple to deliver a iPod the size of a coin that runs on body-generated heat and actually travels to the future to download the TV show episode that will be aired next week for your viewing enjoyment. They could very well be under promising and over delivering on thins one? but it is all speculation.