In Tokyo, in October

Sep 18, 2008 08:04 GMT  ·  By

Mark October 2 in your calendars if you are videogame lovers and underline the date in red if you are interested in Nintendo hardware and games because the Japan based company has announced that it would hold a major news conference in Tokyo that day.

Business journal Nihon Securities Journal broke the news and Kotaku translated it. The date is set just before the debut of the Tokyo Games Show, the biggest videogame themed expo of the fall. Nintendo has a policy of not using the show as a venue to exhibit its own products, mainly because it also acts as a sponsor of the event. But the company also used news conference sets during the show to announce how it plans to evolve in the following year.

At the moment, Nintendo is not ready to disclose what it plans to be talking about during the news conference, but we really, really hope that it’s something big. In a statement for Edge Online, representatives of the company said that “In terms of the press conference, its content and announcements are still being finalized so we are not announcing anything at this time”.

Here is a rundown of what Nintendo might talk about at the event: rumors of a new Nintendo DS have been swirling through the Internet for a while now and with the PSP-3000 getting a release date that's very close, Nintendo has to do something to answer the Sony move; there's talk that the Wii might be getting a new and improved storage solution which is very much needed as the hard drive-less Xbox 360 Arcade begins to compete with the Nintendo console; there might be more announcements related to the 2009 videogame line up from Nintendo with big names such as Mario, Link or Samus Aran poised to make an appearance. Again, mark that date down, only 14 days to go!