Haley was abused by a day care provider who was never punished

Jul 10, 2013 07:53 GMT  ·  By

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has spoken about being abused as a child during a press conference in which she was discussing the Silent Tears Report.

The press event took place at Greenville Health System Children's Hospital and it was also attended by Greenville Health System leaders, Senators Mike Fair and Bruce Bannister.

According to Green-Taylors Patch, the Silent Tears Report is a 336-page study suggesting ways for authorities to better spot and deal with cases of child abuse.

"It doesn't matter your background, your education, the wealth of your family, every child is subject to child abuse," Haley said in the conference.

She previously described her experience with abuse in her book, "Can't Is Not an Option: My American Story."

She discussed being abused by a member of a couple that would work at the daycare she attended. She couldn't talk about it with her mother, and her parents only realized what was going on when she showed up with bruises after leaving the daycare.

"It was a daycare provider that was taking care of me. My mom sensed something was wrong, I never wanted to go. She didn't know quite what it was and then one day I came home and I had a lot of bruises and a lot of issues," she says.

The daycare was owned by a couple who split before the mother tried asking them about the bruises. It left the family without any closure.

"And when she confronted the couple who was taking care of me, they packed up and they left and so we never got to deal with it," Haley discusses.

GOP donor Bob Castellan was founded by GOP donors Bob and Lisa Castellani, who donated $250,000 (€195,000) to the study.

"This Silent Tears report goes after something government desperately needs. We know there's issues. We know that there are problems. But when you get a couple like Bob and Lisa who do it just because they want to give back, the information in this report is valuable," Haley notes.