May 10, 2011 20:01 GMT  ·  By
“My physique definitely takes work,” Nicole Scherzinger says in new interview
   “My physique definitely takes work,” Nicole Scherzinger says in new interview

Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls still has an insanely fit body, as those who’ve seen her latest video for “Right There” can attest. In an interview with Glamour mag, the singer states the obvious: it takes a lot of hard work to look like that.

Just like Gwen Stefani some time ago, Nicole points out that no one gets a body like hers by doing nothing: she spends a lot of time at the gym and, of course, she makes sure she only eats the right kind of food.

But that’s not to say that, whenever she packs a few pounds, Nicole goes overboard in her attempt to shed them. Quite the contrary, actually, she says.

“My physique definitely takes work. But I fluctuate. Sometimes I’m in superhero mode and I’m all buff and lean, mean killing machine – but sometimes I let myself relax a little. At the moment I’m a little bit more relaxed,” the star says.

She knows that she’s gained some pounds recently (though no one could be able to tell that from the aforementioned video), but she isn’t stressing over it because she knows she will shift them soon enough, when the time right.

“I’ve grown as a woman to just accept myself,” the singer says. “You’re not going to feel great all the time – so you’ve just not got to be hard on yourself,” she adds.

Part of this philosophy of learning to love herself as she is also includes not taking out entire food groups from her diet. Nicole doesn’t believe this method works, preaching instead moderation as the better alternative.

“I love rice and pasta and chicken, fish and veggies. I’ll always eat carbs – I don’t believe in taking those away. Everything in moderation. I don’t eat a lot of fried foods, naturally,” she says of her diet.

Of course, one may assume that being a dancer by formation also contributed to Nicole’s take on working out and the discipline she must undoubtedly have when it comes to breaking a sweat.