The Twitterverse is alive with the sound of fury after rumor breaks

Jan 8, 2014 10:51 GMT  ·  By
Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj are expecting their first child together, allegedly
   Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj are expecting their first child together, allegedly

The other day, rumors started to pick up that Nicki Minaj and longtime friend, label boss, and collaborator Lil Wayne were expecting their first child together. Within minutes, the Twitterverse was flooded with negative comments from haters.

Hollywood Life calls them “fans” but, if you think about it, no fan of either rapping artist would go online on social media to diss their idols’ parenting skills, so we’re opting for the generic label of “haters.”

So, while the rumor of the pregnancy is yet to be denied or confirmed (or tackled in any way, even to be laughed off, for that matter), many people have already made up their mind that the yet unborn kid will have two of the most terrible parents on the face of the planet.

The aforementioned celebrity e-zine has listed some of the choicest but safe for work tweets on the topic, with many commenters noting that Lil already has 4 children with different women, the eldest having been conceived when he was just 15.

We’re not about to get into a discussion here on whether age matters when it comes to being a good, loving parent, but it seems that many of those who dissed Lil Wayne’s parenting skills believe it does. Moreover, also does the fact that he slept with more women and didn’t use protection.

“Just saw that nicki minaj might be pregnant with Lil Wayne's baby. I swear this better be rumor or I feel bad for the kid,” says one comment. “Nicki minaj and lil Wayne are having a child......the two worst people in the music industry are reproducing....with each other. oh god lmao,” adds another.

“Rumor has it that Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne are having a baby. And we thought Snooki having a child was a problem...,” another user tweets. “If the rumor is true... Nicki Minaj and lil Wayne's baby will be one incoherent and messed up baby,” chimes in another one.

So, until either Nicki or Lil Wayne steps forward to address the rumor, we have just one thing to rely on as a fact: many have already made up their mind that these two will be lousy parents.