NicStic offers a "guilt-free" solution to smoking

Mar 18, 2007 07:06 GMT  ·  By

With tobacco restrictions or bans taking effect in 33 countries (and rising), smokers face the truth: to "make" smoke, or not to "make" smoke. Nicotine patches or nicotine gums are products that are trying to help smokers quit. Well, what if you can smoke without actually polluting the atmosphere? Here's a smoking trend you may or may not reel in: puffing vapors. I'm sure you remember this phrase from the movie "Thank you for smoking": "Nick Naylor doesn't lie, he filters the truth!"

Apparently, the same goes with the NicStic Kit. It's a new smoke-free invention device that could erase every smoker's fear of lung cancer. Of course, this is not the first time a company tries to find a surrogate that could help smokers give up this habit or at least ease their guilt. Take nicotine patches or nicotine gums for example. The NicStic Kit is more like a "Get a safe nicotine fix without quitting smoking!" product than a "Quit smoking for good!" nicotine replacement.

NicStic is practically a cigarette-sized plastic tube which is battery powered. Here's how it works. It heats and vaporizes tobacco instead of burning it. Seconds after the cigarette is popped inside it, it will be warm enough for a smoke-free fix. It can provide different tobacco aromas. Because it doesn't produces smoke, smokers will get none of the Tar, arsenic, cadmium and formaldehyde that are inhaled while smoking regular cigarettes. What about the Polonium?

It will sell for 80 Euros (100$). The bad news is that this stuff stinks worse than cigarette smoke. Hell, it can even annoy skunks if you use it while passing through their territory. So, better watch out for the feedback.

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