The issues haven't been fixed by Google yet

Apr 14, 2015 06:16 GMT  ·  By

Google has been trying to offer bug-free Android updates to all Nexus devices, but the latest versions of its operating system all had issues. Some of these bugs have been fixed via minor updates, whereas others are still waiting to be addressed.

While updating its Nexus devices and trying to fix some of the issues reported by users, Google mistakenly added other bugs that will be to be patched in future updates.

The same goes for the Nexus 5 smartphone, which has been recently updated to Android 5.1 Lollipop, but the new upgrade did not come without its own issues.

A bug report has already been filed, so Google already knows about this issue that seems to affect the Nexus 5's main camera.

According to the report, after updating to Android 5.1 Lollipop, the camera crashes when trying to use it with apps like Snapchat, Twitter or even the Camera app in the Android OS.

Restarting the phone temporarily fixes the issue

The only way fix the issue and make the camera work again is to restart the Nexus 5. Unfortunately, this only fixes the bug temporarily, and after a day or so of use, the camera starts crashing again, and you will need to restart the smartphone once again.

Any application that attempts to access the camera will crash it, and you won't be able to take a picture until you restart the Nexus 5.

The folks over at AndroidPolice claim that not all Nexus 5 devices are affected by this bug. However, there's a chance that this issue will start affecting a Nexus 5 camera after some time of use.

It's also worth mentioning that restarting the Nexus 5 doesn't necessarily fix the issue, so you will sometimes need to restart the phone a second or a third time in order for the camera to work again.

Hopefully, Google will fix this annoying camera bug sooner rather than later. We will keep an eye out for any additional details on the matter, so stay tuned.