Position advertised

Aug 11, 2009 11:08 GMT  ·  By

Warner Bros. seems to be serious about re-making the Mortal Kombat pretty much from the ground up. The previous Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe offered some nice visuals, interesting fighters and adrenaline-pumping moments, such as the first time when it allowed you to battle another character while falling to your death.

But the title was not as talked about as other fighting games that are part of the recent revival of the genre, like Street Fighter IV or BlazBlue. Warner Bros. appears to have gotten to the core of the problem and is ready to remedy it.

An announcement for an open position reads “WB Games Inc. seeks a Senior Software Engineer, Network to help us implement cutting-edge online features to ensure the Mortal Kombat franchise is an industry leader in online functionality,” before stating the goals of the project as “to position Mortal Kombat as the ‘gold standard’ for network play, and we are looking for someone who wants to push the boundaries of what is possible with online interaction.”

Of course, there's no Mortal Kombat project unveiled at the moment, so all this talk might be in vain if the game is never released but even with the demise of Midway, Mortal Kombat remains a valuable property and a game will surely come at some point. Ed Boon, who is the main man behind the series, has already talked about how he would like to make the next installment of the fighting game a return to the roots, with more violence and a refined character roster.

It makes sense to render fighting games more online oriented. After all, battling with the Artificial Intelligence is no longer fun once you learn the ropes of the game, while split screen multiplayer is only an option if one of your friends is interested in fighting games.