Mar 18, 2011 09:50 GMT  ·  By

Google is introducing a big revamp to its Analytics tool, mostly focused on the interface. It's still in a small beta, but the update promises to bring some of the features that most people have been asking as well as a better layout and organization of data.

"Today at the Google Analytics User Conference in San Francisco, we shared a look at a new version of Google Analytics. We’ve also reached out to a small group of Analytics users to participate in the testing," Trevor Claiborne, Google Analytics Team, announced.

The new interface is only available to a small number of testers. With such a big revamp, it's only natural that Google takes its time. However, the new interface will be gradually rolled out, eventually to everyone.

"Our goals for the new version are to make it easier and faster to get to the data you want and to enhance the Google Analytics platform to bring you major new functionality. Many of the changes in the new version are the result of your feedback," Claiborne explained.

"For example, you can now view multiple advanced segments without needing to also use All Visits. You’ll find some of the other most requested features like multiple dashboards in the new version as well," he added.

The interface is getting a fresh paint of coat. The design follows that of the new Google toolbar which will likely be adopted by most Google products in time.

Along with the design changes, the new Analytics interface also brings a new concept, widgets. Users can now create customized views, with the metrics that interest them in particular by adding the widgets they want.

Since this is only an early beta test, some changes and maybe even some new features should be expected. Also, as with any of its products aimed at developers or companies, the roll out should be slow to make sure any bugs or poorly designed feature are fixed.