Lanza finished high school early, went to college at 16

Apr 4, 2013 07:40 GMT  ·  By

The Western Connecticut State University has released a never-before-seen photo of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza, taken sometime during his brief stay at the college.

In the snapshot, he appears gripped by either terror, confusion, distress or madness. His facial expression is reminiscent of that of Aurora, Colorado shooter James Holmes posted on the right.

Holmes' equally wild-eyed look was captured in a mugshot from last year, relayed by the Business Insider.

NBC Connecticut writes that Lanza finished high school early and applied for college when he was 16 year old.

He scored a 95.9 on an algebra placement test, and chose not to enter his gender or a description of himself in the application form. He started classes in the spring 2009 semester.

As I described before, the search warrants in Lanza's case have also been made public last week, revealing several gun and ammo purchases and an article about a previous school shooting.