User posts picture of bent iPad on Reddit

Oct 6, 2014 08:41 GMT  ·  By

Apparently, the iPhone 6 isn’t the only iDevice that you can bend accidentally. iPads are prone to that kind of damage too, but don’t imagine that it’s easy.

A person has shared the picture displayed on the right with his fellow Reddit users, saying, “The screen is still perfect and all. I'm not sure how this happened but it's kind of cool.”

Both iPad mini and iPad Air bend

We can’t see how the iPad mini bending like that is cool in any way, but if it’s something you appreciate in a tablet, then drop Apple a line and suggest that they make the next version curved by default.

“I still enjoy it. My iPad mini has been through a lot and it's still working good. Can't say the same about my internet but my iPad is great,” adds Ipad207.

After being assaulted with sarcasm and ironic remarks, the user tries to explain how he thinks it happened: “...think it got caught in my bed frame that makes sense it was near there for awhile [sic].”

The person probably rested on it and that’s how it got warped. But it’s not just minis that bend. iPad Airs can see the same thing happen to them as well.

iPad Air and #bendgate defenders

A user responds to the post and relays his own story about an iPad Air getting bent in a similar scenario. The user decided to share the story in the middle of the #bendgate fever last week.

“My iPad Air bent last week and I posted it here. I just wanted to add to the whole bendgate joke and also note that it was possible on an iPad Air, which has the same design as the iPhone 6. People started yelling at me about overblowing shit and asking why I was blaming apple. It's really funny how people feel the need to defend apple against the bendgate thing so aggressively. All I did was say it was bent, and they had to attack me about it.”

The person, identified as owlsrule143, said he / she had a chat with Apple and the company agreed to replace the bent iDevice free of charge because it was under warranty. Something that Apple is known to do with the iPhone 6 as well.

Few reported cases

Granted, these reports are getting more attention than they ought to. Set aside those deliberate bending tests trying to cast a bad light on Apple, and you’ll soon realize that these bending scenarios are rare and accidental.

It’s still too early to say whether or not Apple’s aluminum-built devices have a design flaw.