May 9, 2011 07:16 GMT  ·  By

A new leak of Windows 8 that’s made its way into the wild resembles the actual bits that Microsoft is dogfooding in Redmond and offering select testers worldwide closer than any before. This because it features the original Windows 8 installer, an evolved version of the Windows setup.

Otherwise, the new leak still offers the same Windows 8 Milestone 2 (M2) pre-M3 Build 6.2.7955.0.110228-1930, which hit torrent trackers a little over two weeks ago.

Confirmation of the new Windows 8 Build 7955 copy currently distributed through a number of illegal download sources comes from a forum whose members leaked the first version of Build 7955.

Hackers have went to great lengths just to be able to test early development milestone of Windows 8, including, making sure that the operating system would install.

For this they “patched” Windows 8 artificially with bits and pieces from older Windows releases, creating what are referred to as frankenbuilds of the platform.

Of course, although such Windows 8 Builds do install and run, the user experience is denatured, since testers are getting a release with many borrowed elements which do not reflect the evolution of the OS.

As far as the new Windows 8 Build 6.2.7955 leak is concerned, testers deploying it would enjoy the normal setup process for Windows vNext.

As many users must already know, Windows 8’s installer, as other parts of the next generation operating system, features design elements from the Metro UI, the look and feel of the setup process being new to customers.

Build 6.2.7955 is only the second leak of Windows 8, but the last of the client OS, followed by a release of Windows 8 Server Build 6.2.7959.0.

Microsoft is not expected to offer the public the first taste of Windows 8 until later this year when the first Beta development milestone is reportedly planned for delivery.