Fixes for the Versus mode

Jul 30, 2010 10:46 GMT  ·  By

Valve has released a new update for its hit zombie shooter, Left 4 Dead 2, fixing some issues with the game's Versus mode. This is just the first of a long string of patches to come for the title, as the developers are trying to find a solution for rage quitting. They have done a lot of research on the issue, finding out what are the reasons for such a behavior.

On the Left 4 Dead 2, Valve has written that, “When we did our blog poll on rage quitting we mentioned we would be working on some of the underlying issues. Left 4 Dead 2 doesn’t have a more rage or less rage button – well not directly…We checked some stats, did some testing, checked more stats, and did more testing. We have many more changes we are working on, some ideas failed, some were exploitable, and some were just bad ideas. What we are releasing today is not the sum of our answer to the problem but simply some of the updates that are ready to ship. More are coming.”

This new update changes some scoring issues with the Charger. From now on, players who take the role of the Charger will get 300 points for any Survivor that they kill instantaneously and 100 points for any Survivor that is instantly incapacitated by their charges. Furthermore, any Infected that causes a Survivor to hang from a ledge will receive 50 points. The friendly fire has been tweaked as well. Bullets that go first through a zombie and hit a player afterward will not be counting as friendly fire anymore.

Those who had the chance to play as Tanks during a Versus match may have had the bad luck of taking control of their character after he had already engaged the Survivors. This will not happen again with the new update, as Tanks will go in a kind of stasis when they spawn and remain there until a human player takes over. Tanks cannot attack when they are in stasis, cannot be seen by the Survivors and cannot be set on fire. Valve also promised that more updates will come at a later date.