Get some Killzone into your Uncharted 3 multiplayer with fresh DLC

Nov 16, 2011 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, the newest installment in Naughty Dog's action adventure series, has just received some fresh DLC that's filled with items based on the Killzone franchise, while a new map pack has also been confirmed.

Naughty Dog isn't slowing down after the release of Uncharted 3 at the beginning of the week, and already a new set of multiplayer DLC has been deployed on the PlayStation Store, which adds quite a few new items based on another recent PlayStation 3 exclusive title, Killzone 3.

In the pack you can find the Killzone Capture Trooper character skin, as well as two helmets, based on the ISA and the Helghast, the latter of which you can check out in the image above.

If you're a member of the Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunters' Club, meaning you already bought the season pass for the title, you'll get this DLC for free, if not you have to pay $1.49 to get your hands on these Killzone 3 goodies.

Sony once again hypes up the Fortune Hunters' Club deal, which delivers a 45 percent discount on all the DLC planned for Uncharted 3 in the near future.

"As a member you’ll be getting a total savings of 45% off the seven multiplayer packs (three character skin packs, four map packs) that will be released for Uncharted 3. This membership includes all currently available and upcoming DLC packs for Uncharted 3 as well as an exclusive Fortune Hunters’ Club theme that will let you know when new Uncharted 3 DLC hits right from the XMB of your PS3."

Besides delivering some new character skins, Naughty Dog is also preparing a special map pack for the game's multiplayer, in the form of the Flashback Map Pack #1, that's set to include some classic environments from the first Uncharted game, Drake's Fortune.

The Killzone-themed DLC for Uncharted 3 is available right now while the map pack is expected to receive some more details soon.